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SDC 2023 - Keynote: Is SSD with CXL interfaces brilliantly stupid or stupidly brilliant?
Memory-Semantic SSD: Why We Built The Industry First CXL-based NAND flash SSD?
SDC2022 – Why KV SSD Will Replace ZNS
NGD Systems | How CXL Can Improve Computational Storage
Cache in Hand: Expander-Driven CXL Prefetcher for Next Generation CXL-SSD
CXL-SSD: Expanding PCIe Storage as Working Memory over CXL
H3 Platform @OCP23 #cxl
Introducing CXL Memory Pooling
TrainingCXL: Failure Tolerant Training with Persistent Memory Disaggregation over CXL
SMART Modular | Introducing CXL Memory Modules (XMMs) for Density and Bandwidth Expansion
CXL Memory Pooling API/GUI
Micron and CXL: Enabling the next-generation scalable and flexible data center